December 2022
Visite à l'atelier de l'École Estienne et prise de vue théâtral de Michael et Étienne de Champfleury.
Xinyi Cheng
Xinyi et Michael
Xinyi commence ses monotypes.
En pleine session monotype.
Brecht Evens
Léa Tupper et Paul Moragues accrochent l'expo Brecht Evens.
Brecht Evens compose son panneau de signalisation placé devant la porte de l'atelier.
Pendant que Paul Moragues accroche l'exposition.
Les tentacules de la méduses indiquent l'entrée de l'expo.
Blaise Drummond
En attendant le résultat de ses essais, Blaise Drummond met en scène une curieuse nature morte.
Et se met à dessiner.
Tout ça en plein milieu de l'exposition Brecht Evens.
Dessin de Blaise Drummond de nos chaises.
Paul Moragues et Gaetän Girard en binôme sur un tirage.
November 2022
Ivan Messac
Ivan et Michael contrôlent un tirage en cours.
Faut des bons yeux. Ne jamais baisser la garde.
Le tirage de 120 ex en 5 couleurs se fait à l'atelier Fleur de Pierre dans le 19ème. Le boss Étienne de Champfleury en haut en train de nourrir la machine de feuilles. En bas, Gaëtan Girard enlève les feuilles dès qu'elles sont imprimées.
La boss à l'atelier Fleur de Pierre, Laurence Lépron, est la responsable du tirage et surveille la qualité pendant toute l'opération.
L'artiste ne bouge pas d'un cil.
Léa Tupper en plein swing sur les impressions des dernières images de Brecht Evens pour être à temps por l'expo de décembre.
Assisté d'Émile Mariot.
Mélanie Delattre-Vogt receiving her award at the Academy of Fine Arts for her prints.
Sara Fratini signing her two lithographs commissioned by the Gallery 'Le coin des Arts'.
Marianne Guillou signs her multi color litho for her show at L'Orangerie of Cachan.
Suzy Murphy
Suzy Murphy jeers at photographer during her work session.
For the second consecutive year, London dealer Lyndsey Ingram sends artist Suzy Murphy over for some large format monotype sessions.
Suzy often uses the monotypes to paint over once back in London.
She has spirit and the love of the medium. Always a pleasure to have her with us.
October 2022
Sarah Graham
British botanical artist splendor Sarah Graham in town to push the limits of our past collaborations.
The London dealer Lyndsey Ingram has commissioned two monumental lotus lithographs. Sarah starts by aiming for the center.
Its so big and so liquid, it can only be done on the floor.
Which is no easy physical feat.
Sarah kept her concentration and the first color, the main structure or the French would call it ,la composition maitresse, for both Lotuses were accomplished.
Once she finishes the shop will transfer her image to plate and make the first proofs.
Lee Ufan
Lee Ufan in town to finish signing the three prints at 150 copies each for his foundation in Arles.
Never easy to keep on track when signing so many.
Emerige - POUSH - Poetry Nights -
Letterpress for Drummond
Julian Farade signing his lithographs for the POUSH MANIFESTO event in Aubervilliers.
Caroline Corbasson drawing her composition for the POUSH MANIFESTO project.
Valentin Ranger looking at his proofs.
Antonin Hako and Paola Siri Renard, two of the artists selected for the Emerige Prize, are working their impressions.
Dora Jeridi and Gillian Brett adding color to their proofs for the Emerige Prize project.
Dora Jeridi, standing, becomes the winner of 2022 Emerige Prize.
A Double Change/Woolworth evening with poet Michael Davidson.
But also Sara Larsen, with translations by Vincent Broqua behind her.
Abigail Lang, one of the three partners of Double Change, is giving the opening introduction to the public.
The letterpress shop run by Pascal Duriez in Issy-Les-Moulineaux with the printer himself working the Heidelberg for all the text, mostly by Virgil, translated by C. Day-Lewis in English, for the Blaise Drummond artist book we're publishing and printing, Know Your Trees.
Brecht Evens
Brecht takes first snaps of first color.
Brecht Evens looks at first proofs of his large format lithograph with Léa Tupper.
The artist starts the second color.
Brecht Evens displays happiness and progress.
The beginning of a large format composition which will be used for the cover of his future book.
The man has a plan.
Forward progress
September 2022
Marielle Paul and Pierre Di Sciullo in front of their poster for their show at the Bastille.
Caroline Perreau and Brecht Evens, together to work on communications for upcoming show in December.
Damia Diaz and Michael Woolworth after completing trials for his lithograph.
Damia Diaz, spanish sculptor, in town to perform a commission piece in lithography.
Pier Sparta, the first artist to work on the vast Emerige Foundation portfolio project.
MAD 7 (Multiple Art Days Fair)
Atelier Woolworth Booth in MAD. Most of the projects published during the year are on the wall.
The fair starts in its first hours.
Atelier Woolworth table at fair to focus on Stéphane Pencréac'h's artist book, POWER.
The Woolworth/MAD team after bringing all the fair equipment back to our storage space in Normandy takes a break on the river Eure.
Lucas Kraft and Paul Moragues ready to go up river.
Ittah Yoda
Kai Yoda and Virgile Ittah, happy as clams at the result of their monumental triptych on canvas a day before we close shop for the Summer.
First version of triptych in bordeaux red
The couple in discussion with one of their assistants.
Lamarche-Ovize sign their second print with us, Hétérotopie (Buchholz).
Our collaboration continues and bodes well for the future. This is the first in several of the same size.
Brecht Evens
No rest for the brave. Brecht Evens pursues his Jellyfish Hideout series.
Probably another ten twelve to go.
June 2022
Blaise Drummond
The Irish artist was trying to gain ground on the Swiss artist, Gilgian Gelzer, whose work was on the wall.
Blaise resumes work on epic book Know Your Trees.
Many more steps to accomplish.
This book has at least several hundred gestures, interventions, color passes, etc.
Philippe Favier arrived in town to test a new lithographic approach: the manière noire.
Matt Magee
The return of Matt Magee, one of the last stragglers from the covid lockdown.
He has come from Arizona to work on new editions and sign some that were waiting.
Massinissa Selmani
Nos deux premières collaborations ont pu être terminées et voici le jour de signature.
L'image avec la barque s'intitule La brèche et sa mesure, le second, Laps.
The street artist Bault (pronounced Bolt)
makes his first lithograph
Every three months a new artist takes over the space a block down the street from us. An ambitious neighbourhood program dedicated to street murals has its headquarters in the optician store at ground level of 38, rue de la Roquette.
Le lecteur, an original lithograph by Bault. 60x40 cm. Ed. 50. Sold for 250 €
This time its Bault's turn and he signs the edition under the gaze of the artistic director, Cyrille Gouyette.
Bault starting his stone lithograph for the project.
He had never made a lithograph, so this provided a true experience.
Poetry Night June 7 with 3 poets
Mónica de la Torre came with two readers.
The French Claro read alone.
And Eleni Sikelianos was accompanied by her translator.
Massinissa Selmani
Back on track is Massinissa Selmani who is starting two new compositions.
We're combining photoengraved elements and drawn ones on mylar mixed with each other.
His delicate minimalistic scenes need a fine balance for them to work.
Odd things can happen like transfering a slide ruler onto litho plate, a piece of his puzzle for new print.
A quick peek at ongoing work, most unfinished.
Maude Maris
Maude Maris is moving up in scale compared to last year's work and starts her new composition on stone surrounded by the Gelzer hanging.
Mélanie Delattre-Vogt
Mélanie is bathed in light while watercoloring her first proofs in black of the 'Woman with geese' lithograph. She tests color ideas to then break them down on litho plates.
Marc Desgrandchamps
MD came in to try out for first time the venerable art of monotype.
Some of first results.
There are certain requirements, especially the thinness of your color on the plate, but a painter quickly gets the hang of it.
A large palette of ink color is set up to choose from.
Michael and Jeb Millings work at laying out the primary colors a day before the artist's arrival.
Gilgian Gelzer
Lamarche Ovize
Signing day of first collaboration with artist duo, but also overviewing trials of second adventure together.
Alexandre signs and Florentine numbers.
An edition of 40. Original lithograph and woodcut. 65 x 50 cm. Title underway.
Loucia Carlier
An artist we worked with briefly the year before is back for more. Loucia Carlier makes unique pieces from her printed matter. Her shapes and words are litho printed onto leatherette which she cuts up and sows on canvas.
Brecht Evens
Brecht Evens horsing around with Paul Moragues trying to obtain uncertain results from his newest compositions.
What is true however is the more you horse around and fail or succeed, always something comes out of it.
Its been over a year that a vast editioning program has been underway on Evens, and this waés the first day signing some of the first new pieces.
Around 40 compositions were created by him in 2021 & 2022, of which 33 have been editioned for release in the fall.
Poetry Reading May 19
Stéphane Bouquet & Peter Gizzi
Stéphane Bouquet (standing) steps in to read his translations of Peter Gizzi's (sitting) poems
Back to Back Poetry Readings April 20 & 21
First Night: Lee Ann Brown & Lindsay Turner
Lee Ann Brown in full swing
Lindsay Turner opened the evening with her texts.
Invited poets by Lee Ann Brown reading her texts translated into French, here Sabine Macher.
But also Stéphane Bouquet.
Second Night: Alice Notley & Pascale Petit
Pascale Petit open the second night reading a large segment of her latest book.
Alice Notley finished with a mix of texts from recent years.
Notley asked Olivier Brossard to read some of his translations in French of her last texts.
A good turnout that evening. The days were getting longer, natural light stayed almost through it all.
CODEX fair - San Francisco - April 10 to 13
The shop participated for the first time in the 2022 edition of the mecca of artists books fair in USA. A view of our table.
Over 200 exhibitors present in the fair space near Berkeley.
Stone women:
Florentine Lamarche and Mélanie Delattre-Vogt
Florentine of duo Lamarche Ovize starts our second ambition together. A stone in a larger format.
Mélanie pursues her 'Woman with Geese' stone. She'll need 13-14 sessions to accomplish the drawing.
More Signings:
Najia Mehadji and Mélanie Delattre-Vogt
Najia Mehadji signs an lithograph at 60 copies for La Navire Gallery in Brest, Brittany.
While Mélanie pencils in the 40 copies of our new "Woman with dog".
Stéphane Pencréac’h signs “POWER”
March 23 all the copies are signed by the painter. Now we must wait for the author DOA in June to sign his part.
Jean-Michel Othoniel
Jean-Michel Othoniel signs his 5 new lithographs for his solo show at the Ideal Palace of the Facteur Cheval, the historic site south of Lyon.
5 editions each at 20 copies. 60 x 105 cm. All are in the present hanging or at the Galerie Perrotin in Paris.
Mélanie Delattre-Vogt
Signing moments appear often both on the website and the social network. They areas much landmarks for the artist and ourselves, but also a sacred moment that needs caring. Here, MDV signs her first two of the ongoing series "Women with their pets".
Nadège Dauvergne
Nadège's squirrels populating the front space where she is spray painting.
The street artist two days before starting her wall, rue de la Roquette, spray painting each copy.
Djamel Tatah drying...
Xinyi Cheng
A pencil drawing on stone by Xinyi for her upcoming show.
An edition pulled by Paul Moragues at 40 copies.
Xinyi came in to sign shortly after.
Armelle de Sainte Marie
Armelle de Sainte Marie signs here monochromatic lithographs. She used paper cut outs to white out certain areas.
We produced three different lithographs for our first go together.
Gérard Gwezenneg
Gérard Gwezenneg signing his three monumental drypoint etchings.
The signing took place in his studio, situated in a remote area of France, near the sea across from the Anglo-Normand islands.
He follows his notes as he put a title on each piece.
Marielle Paul & Pierre Di Sciullo
Pierre Di Sciullo and Marielle Paul signing our edition of 6 images to be released next fall. Not an artist duo, but two friends combing their work on same sheet.
As things need to happen sweetly, a large lunch was prepared to honor the signing.
Nadège Dauvergne
Street artist Nadège Dauvergne in action on her stone. An edition project to accompany a mural she will execute down the street. An initiative by the Association Mur Bastille.
She will perform a 3 color lithograph and add spray paint effects and stenciled shapes.
Mélanie Delattre-Vogt
Mélanie Delattre-Vogt dreams of becoming a painter with easel.
She is retouching each proof of recent edition in the face parts of her female subject, always a delicate area, and needs to do it standing with the correct light.
Poetry Night:
Readings by Benoît Toqué and Tracie Morris
Benoit Toqué reads his texts on the night of February 21rst.
Tracie Morris followed him and delivered perfectly her world.
Stéphane Pencréac’h
paints his poster
Brussel’s print fair LEAF, held at the Boghossian Foundation in the Villa Empain, February 10-13
Michael points finger before opening at LEAF.
Shop team present for opening at LEAF, Brussel's print fair: Julien Torhy, Michael Woolworth, Léa Tupper and Paul Moragues
Stéphane Pencréac’h
The future artists book Power requires a dripping effect on certain pages.
Stéphane Pencréac'h applies himself to act on each copy of the edition of 40.
Two weeks before the launch and opening at the studio of Power, Stéphane Pencréac'h tries his hand at monotype. In the end 9 monotypes were produced and were the first on display upon entering the space.
Lamarche Ovize
The artist duo both present during trials of our first adventure together. Alexandre Ovize and Florentine Lamarche.
Florentine Lamarche sets the stage with a first drawing on stone which then her partner Alexandre battles with large over all shapes. A Ping Pong match begins between them.
Blaise Drummond
Blaise Drummond in to pursue his fabulous book project. One of the double pages is drawn on litho stone.
Blaise manages his color selections.
Ludovic Chemarin
The artist duo of Damien Beguet and Nicolas Ledoux have showed up to proof their large format triptych. A project we've been thinking about for some time in order to honor the ten year activity of this conceptual duo.
Xinyi Cheng
Xinyi peeks at camera while Michael preps her tracing paper to set a new color on her image.
Xinyi and Blaise Drummond advancing side by side.
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2 rue de la Roquette
Passage du Cheval Blanc
Cour Février
75011 Paris France
Week days, open from 11 am to 7 pm.
Week-ends by appointment only.
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